A More 

Our Rhythm of Study: We study and meditate on the Bible, allowing it to permeate us and shape our minds, emotions, and lives. We seek to cultivate a craving for Jesus by taking time to learn about him. God’s word directs our journey and teaches us how to live and serve in this beautiful place.


At 10 am we gather in the gym at:
400 Meadowbrook Court
Bellingham, WA

Enter at the west end of the building.

A More Christ-like God
As we center ourselves around the person and work of Jesus, what/who are we focusing on? Throughout history there have been varied perceptions of who God is, ranging from wrathful to ever-accepting. In this teaching series we will consider the question posed by Brad Jersak, What if we conceived of God as completely Christlike--the perfect Incarnation of self-giving, radically forgiving, co-suffering love? How would this shape how we look at God? How would it shape how we interact with our neighbors and the world?

Mosaic Gathering
February 16, 2025
10-11:30 AM

The Mosaic January-February calendar is here!  Print your copy today.

Coming Up

Email us at MosaicNWinfo@gmail.com for more information about anything below.

Mosaic Church of Bellingham

A missional community of people seeking to orient their lives around the life and teaching of Jesus.

Our journey began in the summer of 2006 when a small group of families spent a few days together in NW Montana.  We were fed up with our complacency and tendency to "go to church" while not really "being the church".

 We went to share, dream and explore what it might look like for us to share our lives together as well as invite others into that process.  

Upon returning from our trip, we gathered a group of about 30 people for a backyard BBQ in Bellingham, WA to discuss what it would look like to plant a new faith community that was intent on “being” the church and “being” Jesus.  After that evening together we began calling ourselves Mosaic and had several backyard BBQs throughout the summer to continue our exploration of “being”.
We have had an incredible time over the past 15 years and are as committed to our initial vision as we were when we started.  We are a little older, we have WAY more children and many of us have more gray hair, but we still love our community.

Many people have come and gone since we started, but the Mosaic would not be the same without them.  We hope you will consider exploring your part in the Mosaic as well!

Our Rhythms
Our Team
Godly Play

Opportunities To Connect:

Email us at MosaicNWinfo@gmail.com for more information about anything below, or if you want to start a group.

The Artist's Way: Creativity Group

We are taking a break for the summer.
"The Artist's Way" meets to discuss and encourage the inner artist in all of us. RSVP and info email here.

All Mosaic Book Club

Stay tuned for new books and new times. To be kept in the loop about upcoming opportunities,  email here.

Youth Group

The 1st Tuesday of the month grades 6-12 gather together, the 3rd Tuesday of the month we meet as 6th-7th and 8th-12.

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