
Rhythms provide cadence to life.  Rather than seeking to be "balanced", which implies opposing forces seeking equilibrium, we prefer to think of life as having a cadence. We never want to see life as ministry vs. family or church involvement vs community involvement.  Rather, we choose to seek a rhythm to our lives that affirms both... work, rest, home, community, leisure, active, alone, together, here, away, yes, no

Do you get the idea?  Rather than promoting tension between all these things, we are seeking to "walk" through our lives and be present in the diversity that it brings. We believe living the rhythms below, helps us do just that.


We intentionally bring beauty to the people around us by sending an encouraging note, fixing a car, helping those in need, caring for our environment, serving in some way or anything else that would bring beauty to others and our world.



We practice  listening to God; each week we seek to slow down our busy lives to rest, be still and know God. We  let Gods words shape our lives by acting on them. Listening spills out into our posture towards each other as well as we take time to listen to one another.
We intentionally share the table together. We recognize that something happens around
food that doesn’t happen at the office or the store. We relax , let down our defenses and we allow people into our lives in a real way. By breaking bread together and remembering Jesus, we seek to build true community. This rhythm is why we always eat together at our gatherings!


As God sent Jesus, so Jesus sends us to be his body and to represent his heart and passion in this world. We are empowered on this journey by the Spirit, our sojourner, who connects us, guides us, protects us and comforts us. Together we support one another on this journey of being Jesus by working together, caring for each other and praying for one another.


We  study and meditate on the Bible, allowing it to permeate us and shape our minds, emotions and lives. We seek to cultivate a craving for Jesus by taking time to learn about him. God’s word directs our journey and teaches us how to live in Gods Kingdom with Gods values.

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