At Mosaic, we think there are very few things that characterize the heart of God more than generosity. Certainly love and grace are major components, but interestingly, one of the ways they both express themselves is through generosity. It was an act of generosity when God took on human form as Jesus. It was an act of generosity when Jesus laid down his life and it was generosity when God poured out the Spirit on all mankind. Contrary to being generous, the church in the west has often been characterized as isolationist, protectionist and separatist. We don't think any of those exemplify the incarnational God of the Bible. As a result, we encourage generosity in all forms. Giving of our finances, our time and our energy. We encourage people to give to local needs, global needs and of course to the faith community they are involved in.
Ways to give at Mosaic
The easiest way to give is via our online giving system, but you can also give using the boxes that we put out on Sundays at our gatherings.
If you would like to set up online giving, use the "Subsplash Giving" button below
You can do a one-time donation or set up recurring giving, which we greatly appreciate.
Mail: If you would prefer to mail in a check, you can send the check to:
Mosaic Church of Bellingham
PO Box 5505 Bellingham, Wa 98227
If you would like to set up online giving, use the "Subsplash Giving" button below
You can do a one-time donation or set up recurring giving, which we greatly appreciate.
Mail: If you would prefer to mail in a check, you can send the check to:
Mosaic Church of Bellingham
PO Box 5505 Bellingham, Wa 98227