The Mezuzah, Malachi, Bamboo & the Exile

Aug 18, 2024    Camille Price

This Sunday, I will attempt to connect the dots to all those seemingly disparate nouns. We are coming to the end of our journey with the exiles and their prophets, and we will begin to transition to our next theme like how the end of August is a transition back to our fall school year and busier schedules. Malachi is the last book, last revelation to the remnant Israelites before the BIG Quiet begins. After Malachi there will be about 400+ years before John the Baptist comes on the scene and God speaks again to his people. The extended exile ends, the promised Messiah returns to free his people from oppression and fear. The promised deliverer who embodies Moses, David and Elijah will walk again amongst His people and free them, once and for all. 400 years they had been waiting and hoping and praying. Can you imagine the intensity of their hope, and their genuine disappointment in Jesus?

But that's not this Sunday. This Sunday we meet the remnant living in the land, temple has been rebuilt and everything should be in order. Would they remember their exile and be faithful to their calling as people of God? Nehemiah has rebuilt the wall, the scrolls have been read, sacrifices have begun. For sure they would remember and live out their calling as redeemed children of God, purified by the fires of tribulation. Wouldn't they?
