Why Do We Ask the Question--"If God is so Good, Why is there Pain and Injustice Around Me?"

Jul 14, 2024    Aaron Walters

This summer we are considering the Biblical passages surrounding the Jewish Exile. The Exile holds a strong metaphor for us. In exile one is longing for something different, for things to be made right. Exiles long for security and wellness in their bodies, in relationships, and in their world. But, they are surrounded by something else. Exiles hold a dis-ease with how things are going, and wonder what God is up to. As such, it is not surprising that most of us have asked the timeless question, "If God is so good, why is there pain and injustice around me?" This question forces us to ponder our relationship with God.

I want us to consider why someone asks that question. I am not talking about making a list of challenging circumstances. Rather I want us, in the midst of challenging circumstances, to consider what unspoken paradigm is present to even ask this question. And, I would like us to consider how we are to respond to living as metaphorical exiles. To do this we will take a look at the prophet Habakkuk. I hope that by doing so, we will find encouragement for our journey. ~Aaron