Consent & Participation

Jan 26, 2025    Camille Price

To be honest, preaching through a book is a bit outside my comfort zone. I prefer to dwell in a passage for a while, letting the words marinate in my mind and, in partnership with the Spirit, explore where they lead. This approach is a little different but no less guided by the Spirit’s promptings, and I hope it resonates with you.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer once said,

“A king who dies on the cross must be the king of a rather strange kingdom.”

How do we live in this Kingdom where God does not coerce or control, yet in His power, He changes the world? How does love and persuasion—rather than power and domination—melt my heart of stone and humanity’s tendency toward autonomy and self-salvation?

I hope by this Sunday, all my disparate lines of thought will coalesce into something coherent. 🙂 
